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Titre Testing

Titre Testing

What is Titre Testing?

Titre testing is a quick and relatively inexpensive way to check your dog’s immunity to core vaccines.

Core vaccines are Parvovirus, Distemper and Adenovirus. These are infections that can make your puppy or dog very sick and can be fatal.

After natural infection or vaccination, white blood cells will produce identical antibodies against these infections. These antibodies can be measured by testing your dog’s blood, which can ascertain if your dog requires a booster for the core vaccines or not.

So, why consider titre testing?

While the prevalence may be low in comparison to the number of vaccinations administered, there is a still a wide range of adverse consequences of vaccination recognised in companion animals such as mild and severe vaccine reactions, and vaccine relationships with acute and chronic immune mediated syndromes and even deaths.

Dr Jean Dodds is considered one of the foremost experts in pet healthcare and states “using vaccine titre testing as a means to assess vaccine-induced protection will likely result in your pet avoiding needless and potentially harmful booster vaccinations. And that is a huge benefit for a simple blood test”.

You may have to ask your vet if they do or can offer titre testing.

Bear in mind that a lot of boarding kennels will not accept titre testing results as proof of vaccination.

Titre testing may or may not suit you and your dog, so we encourage you to research to find out what will work best for your situation.

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